Our Services


Endoscopy (or scopes) is a day-case procedure performed only by trained experts. At Mark Wong Surgery, our specialist provides both gastroscopy and colonoscopy services. Both procedures can be safely performed at the same session.

Colorectal Surgery

Colorectal surgery is a specialized field of surgery that involves the treatment of conditions that affect the colon, rectum, and anus.
A visit with a colorectal surgeon does not always result in surgery.

Anal Surgery

A significant number of medical conditions affect the anal area. Our specialist will perform a detailed medical examination to determine the best treatment for you.

General Surgery

General Surgery is a specialty branch of surgery that deals with conditions like appendix, gallstones and hernia.

It also deals with a host of other conditions affecting the abdominal organs including the large intestine, rectum and anus, as well as the stomach, liver spleen and pancreas.

Your Health Our Commitment

At Mark Wong Surgery, Your Health is Our Priority and it is Our Commitment to deliver the Personalised Care you deserve.